Australian Embassy Brasilia

Australian Embassy Brasilia

Opening hours

SES Quadra 801 Conjunto K lote 7
70200010 Brasilia - Distrito Federal
Our Booking PolicyPlease be advised we accept payments by PIX or international credit card only. Visitors to the Embassy must arrive no earlier than 10 minutes prior to their appointment. We do not take bookings for visa or immigration issues.



10-year validity passport (for persons aged 18 and over) - 5 page form

. Duration:30 mins··. Price:R$2,200

10-year validity passport (for persons aged 18 and over) - 1 page form

. Duration:30 mins··. Price:R$2,200

10-year validity passport (for persons aged 16 and 17)

. Duration:30 mins··. Price:R$1,853

5-year validity passport (for children under 16)

. Duration:30 mins··. Price:R$1,100

5-year validity passport (for persons aged 75 and over) - 5 page form

. Duration:30 mins··. Price:R$1,447

5-year validity passport (for persons aged 75 and over) - 1 page form

. Duration:30 mins··. Price:R$1,447

Notarial service only

. Duration:30 mins··. Price:Free

Replacement passport

. Duration:30 mins·. Price:R$956


The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) uses third-party software (Setmore) to manage the Embassy appointments. Your personal information (including your name and contact details) will be collected by DFAT via Setmore to book your appointment and for related purposes. By proceeding with this booking, you are consenting to the collection of this information by Setmore on DFAT’s behalf for these purposes. If this information is not collected, DFAT’s ability to arrange your appointment will be limited. Your personal information will be handled by Setmore in accordance with Setmore’s Privacy Policy, and by DFAT in accordance with DFAT’s Privacy Policy.


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